My brain is still confused... BUT....... it's time for.......

Be sure and check out Jamie!
First of all, hello!  It's WEDNESDAY.   What does that mean?  

I'm leaving at midnight tonight baby... Y-E-A-H!!!.  Be jealous. 

I'm loving... that I get to go to Cade's Cove for the first time ever. 
My family has always been more "beach" people rather than "mountain" people so I'm very excited to get to go along with some pro-mountain people and experience something new!

I'm loving... that I get to see Hillary & Jeff (& maybe Mert and Bill!?!?) this weekend! 

I'm loving... that Whitney is moving back to town!!!!!! Now I can finally see them boys more often!!!

I'm loving... that a special friend of mine got some wonderful news... I won't go any further.  It is her story to tell, but I'm excited for you.  You know who you are!

I'm loving... my sweet Jenna babe.  I have had such a good time with her lately.  But I swear, she is making it a point to NOT say my name.  She can point at me, laugh at me, she knows exactly who I am.  But say my name?  No friggin' way.  She looks at me.. snurls her nose, and then laughs OUT LOUD.  As if she were saying "SUCKA!"  But I still love her. 

I'm loving... that this lady is happy.  I feel like life is getting back on track. 

They say good things come to those who wait... I've waited.. FO SHO!   So.. =)

I'm loving... my blog friends!  You women are ahhhhh-mazing!  When I first started this thing (all because of Cassie) I never dreamed anyone would read it.  Heck, I didn't even re-read it.  It was just a way to jot down some random stuff.  Now, I find myself looking at it probably a tad more than I should. So thank you ladies, you helped me avoid Facebook addiction... and now I'm battling Pinterest and not a one of you can save me because we are ALL in that boat, right? :)

Well, that's it for me lovies.  I will be back in a week, but in the meantime... stay safe, stay awesome, keep on crafting, keep your kids' stories coming, and know that in a week I have a long list to catch up reading on!!!!


  1. You look gorgeous in that picture!!! Have so much fun on your vacay, enjoy yourself!

  2. =)

    Hope you have a wonderful vacation!!!

  3. Thanks for the shout out! Also, be looking for me to host an apples/kids link up! Oh, and I haven't gotten an invitation to pintresst yet, so I'm not addicted.

  4. I am pretty sure Cade's Cove is one of my top 5 favorite places. Just sayin. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU.


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