
I've been neglecting this blog, big time.  And I'm sorry.  I guess I'm like most of you whose blogs I read and have been in a "blog funk" with nothing to talk about. 
Well, I have things TO talk about, I've just had a problem finding time to write up these posts.  But I'm working on that. 

Today I just wanted to touch base and show you a little of what's been going on around my neck of the woods...

Jenna's 2nd Birthday has came and gone now.  But beforehand, like all pretty girls, she had to go to the hair salon! =)  This was from her first ever trip!  I didn't get to go, but mom said she did fantastic.  And she was excited to show me her "pretty hair" after I got off work!

Sneak peek- Jenna's party!  Post coming soon! =)  Hard to believe my little angel is two.

We have spent a lot of time outside, playing with chalk and taking pictures.  Nothing better than summer months and getting to spend time outside making precious memories. 

Yes, it's really as big as it looks.  This is my mom's birthday present from my dad.  Yep- today is my Mommy's Birthday!  So give her a big shout out if you will! :)

[Mom, thank you for always being there for me.  You've held my hand every step of the way and always will be my #1 fan through life.  I know you are there whenever I need you as my mother, but as well as my friend.  I appreciate all you've ever done for me and all you will do in the future.  You are my best friend and I cherish every moment with you. Here's to a Happy Birthday for you.. ]

We've played dolls..haha! =)

And today this is the picture I woke up to... Yes, my oldest nephew, Kaleb, has his first high school game tonight.  Seeing this brought back so many memories for me of high school and seeing the guys wearing their jerseys on game day.  I cannot believe my baby is old enough to be in high school.  Time just flies..

This weekend will be packed full with the game tonight, Mom's bday celebration, dad's tractor pull tomorrow, and our last double date with Ben & Lindsey before he leaves. So expect some posts coming soon!
& Have a Fantastic Weekend! :)

P.s.- I'm coming up on 90 Followers.  When I hit 100, there's a giveaway!


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