I'm loving...
I mean these babies are GOOOOOOD.  Go get cha some! :)

I'm loving...
that I finished my book I touched on last week.  What an uplifting book for me to read.  It makes me even more thankful for the life B and I have established and that we have already worked on a lot of the material it covers!

I'm loving...
finding lost lost loved ones! I'm still beaming with delight! :)

I'm loving...
it's a short work week for me!  Yippeee!!!

I'm loving...
my parents for the wonderful gift that I was told B and I are getting :)  They really are the best parents! :)


  1. I LOVE Kettle Brand chips but haven't tried those! I like jalepenos soooo I bet I would like those! Glad you posted them. AND I just saw your wedding countdown...congratulations! It's not that far away! Happy Wednesday!


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