Made To Crave: Week Two.

Made To Crave, Week Two:
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert."
- 1 Peter 5:-7-8
 This week we took a look into Chapters 4-6 of Made To Crave.  (If you missed my Week One Review, you can find it here.) 
When you are in the middle of weight-loss, does it make you feel more goal-oriented, or self conscious when you have a friend, co-worker, etc. experiencing losing weight and finding a new, healthier life?
In my own personal trials, it has burst my bubble more times than energized me.  I have a flaw that lets me look at other women and see what I "wish I had that she does" and let that get me down and out.  If I hear of a friend losing weight, I'm immediately happy for her but then I start to wonder why it isn't ME that is losing that kind of weight. 
That is a nasty habit of mine, that will need some work (and lots of prayer!) to break. 
BUT, with that said, I would LOVE to have a friend start the journey with me.  It absoultely makes a huge difference in having a person you have to "report" to besides yourself.  I can lie to myself and go on, but to tell my work-out buddy that I had that piece of cake at 3AM is a walk of shame.
This bible study is so helpful!  :) 


  1. I, unfortunately, share that trait of looking at other women and saying "why her and not me..." we can do this together!! :)

  2. I think it's something that women generally struggle with. The "I wish I was her" bug! :( I know it's a problem I have too! Loved your post for the blog hop.

  3. I really think you have mind-reading powers because I think the EXACT same thing! Thank you for posting this :)

  4. Ohh hun...
    I am right there with ya! Comparing myself to others will inevitably be my greatest downfall if I do not change my thinking! Dotn feel alone in this journey! I am glad to be experiencing it with you!

  5. Hi there Kayla! I thought like that for years....but when you look at someone how long are you looking at them?!? Maybe you pass them in the mall for 2 seconds. Well whatever it is you do not know what is going on in their world the rest of the time. For 13 years I struggled with an ED where everyone was always skinnier than was torture. The day that I finally gave it to god he showed me that I was made for so much more!! Comparison is the thief of joy!
    You are beutiful girl and loved by so many...especially our God!! I am so glad you are determined to not let that get to you anymore!! If you ever want to passion is helping people be accountable. No matter what because we are more than a number and we are God's precious daughters!!

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