Comments (7)

What started out as my innocent intention of wasting time led me to this blog post.  Sometimes, these things just happen and your first thought is "I HAVE to blog about this!"   This was me when I found this...
First of all, I'm terrified of Craigslist.  I would never meet someone alone without the fear that I would end up in a kidnapper van and never seen again.  Hey, it happens every single day.  Don't you watch Criminal Minds?! 

So, back to my story.  I had browsed all the "good" sections for my area and found nothing that spiked my interest.  And then I saw it.  The personals section.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought they were making this illegal to put on there after the Craigslist Killer?  (Lifetime movie, but a TRUE story! Read here and here!)

So, I did what anyone else would have done.  I clicked on it.  YA'LL just don't know how much fun I had showing these things to my husband.  To call these guys "creeps" is being nice on my part. 

"I'm not looking for any type of relationship. I just want great sex with someone."  REALLY?  You need help, mentally.  And what kind of woman ANSWERS these things?!

Personally, I'd love to drive to Starkville, set up a "meeting" with this fine fellow and then slap him when he shows up.  You are breaching your commitment with your WIFE, cheater.  Get real. 

 Least he's clean.  I mean he said it on the internet, so it's true.  Right?

Ya'll... help me out.  What is this world coming to? And what kind of people are these?  Well, I like to call them free entertainment.  Brian and I laughed and laughed about some of the things I found.  Some I don't want to repost on here because they were just THAT raunchy.  Ick.

Now, if there are any men readers (hey!) then let me address something to you here and now.  DON'T DO ANY OF THE ABOVE EXAMPLES.  Get your butts in church and find a good woman and love her and never cheat on her.  THE END.


currently //

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Have I ever told ya'll how much I LOVE the "Currently" posts?! Well, I do.  I admit it.  I'm a sucker for being nosey and now it's my turn to do one for you lovely ladies.  Thanks, Melissa, for letting me steal the idea off your blog!

OBSESSING... all the cute school supplies that are in stores.  OBSESSED.
EXCITED...  My ONE YEAR anniversary is coming up in October.
LISTENING... Casting Crowns, my favorite!
LOVING... Fall is approaching and I get to decorate our home in warm tones.
PREPARING... To be healthier.  I have slacked off and it shows.  Literally.
ANTICIPATING... Work and all the changes coming in the next two months.
BUYING... Nothing, I'm trying to save what I can for Christmas!
WATCHING... I haven't had the time, but I NEED to catch up on PLL! No one spill any secrets!
TRYING... To catch up reading my favorite ladies and their blogs! Sorry for my lack of comments!
LOCATED... Little sleepy Corinth, MS, at work.
NEEDING... A day OFF.  Thank goodness for Monday coming up!
GIRL-CRUSHING... Always same answer, Carrie Underwood's legs. 
READING... My Bible studies.  I recommend #SheReadsTruth.  Want to join me?
BEHIND... Scheduling my blog posts for the coming week.
LEARNING... patience.  And I'm not good at it.
MAKING... Nothing and don't plan to.  I need rest and relaxation first.
STRESSING... I'm finally not stressing too much.  The last month was all I could take though.
WANTING... to get my home office / blogging space finished.
CELEBRATING... my new car! (Bye-bye Jeep, thanks to my wreck)

IN CASE YOU MISSED THEM:The White's: Our Love Story
#TOTALSOCIAL: Guilty Pleasures
August Goals


Wednesday's Words (Intro)

Comments (8)

I'm so excited to be joining today with Jenni and Martha Kate for Wednesday's Words.  Finding other women who love the Lord is one of my favorite aspects of blogging.  I've met and did Bible Studies with women I would never met in this life if it weren't for our beloved BlogLand.
So, since this is a brand new link-up, the girls wanted to start off with a little introduction.  So, here's a little more about myself..
I'm Kayla White.  I live in the NE corner of Mississippi. ( I'm seriously like 10 miles from the TN line and 20 from the AL line!)  I'm 30 years old and married to my precious husband, Brian.  We are coming up on our one year anniversary in October.  I can't believe it's already that close, but the Lord blessed me with the man that He knew I was meant to spend my life loving unconditionally.   
We have two furbabies, Reagan and Roxie, who have no idea that they are really dachshunds. They really are what makes our house a "home."  When I'm not blogging, you can find me reading or re-arranging some area of our house.  Brian just shakes his head at me. ha!
I've been blogging for several years now, but in the last two years I've really put more focus into making it memorable.  I started it as just a fun thing to do, but once I met and got engaged to Brian, it lead me down a road of being able to document our lives and all the memories I never want to forget. 
I've loved meeting the women that I have through this journey and I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me next!  So, grab a cup of coffee (and me one too!) and let's be friends. 
Wednesday's Words


Comments (8)

I've been blogging here at Mississippi Mrs. for awhile now.  I've shared things I really love and many exciting things in my life.  But I don't often speak of the "weak" things about myself, the things that really show my true self.

So, I figure it's time to open up a bit more.

+ I'm really shy when I first meet someone.  I'm much more of a listener than a talker.

+ I pin lots of things on Pinterest for being a "healthier" me, but in reality I'm lazy and don't know how to get started into this whole "working out" lifestyle.  Help.

+ I bite my fingernails, and have since I was 6.  

+ I have psoriasis.  On any given day, I may be seen "shaking off" my shoulders from the the scales.  It is on my elbows and my scalp.  It's not something I'm completely comfortable with yet, but that has definitely gotten better the older I have gotten. 

+ I'm OCD to a annoying limit.  Really.  Ask my husband.

+ I'm a chronic complainer when it comes to dining out.  If you don't re-fill my drink or ignore me then you should know I'm calling in on you.  And getting free gift cards. 

These are just a few of my "flaws."  What kind of things do you have that are weird tendencies?

Weekly Wishes // Vol I

Comments (7)

This week, I'm starting to keep myself more accountable for life and this blog by linking up with The Nectar Collective.  Brian's ballgames ended this past Thursday night and we are both really looking forward to getting back into our "routine" at home.  

Current Week:

+ Organize my desk area
+ Clean out master closet
+ Donate clothing // shoes // jewelry
+ Reagan and Roxie's needs
+ Start preparing a Christmas Shopping List (Yes, for real.)

What is on your list this week?  I'd love to hear. 

// #TotalSocial with Helene In Between
// A Look Back in Time..

// Pin to Present: Freezer Foods with Love, Fun, and Football
// Sponsored Posts by A Beautiful Exchange


Comments (4)

Bare with me, friends.  It's been a crazy (BUSY!) last month! I hope to have lots of relaxation and blog work done this weekend! 
Now, where is my coffee?

#TOTALSOCIAL // #GuiltyTotalSocial

Comments (9)

Helene in Between
Official Hashtag: #GuiltyTotalSocial
Laaaadies.  I'm so stoked to be back for this session of #TOTALSOCIAL with Helene.  And what can be more fun than showing of our guilty pleasures?!?!
So, let's dive into mine.. (& I hope we are still friends by the end of this post..)
1. Carrie Underwood.  I'm going to be real honest.  I don't like her for her music, or her looks per say.... I'm addicted to her LEGS.  I mean hello!, I need to borrow her trainer for a few weeks. 
carrie underwood workout
Source: Glamour magazine
2. Dr. Pepper.  I have stopped drinking my beloved DP.  I know, I know.  I've had the occasional sip on Sunday mornings when Brian and I go for breakfast, but other than that it's been missing from my life.  Have I lost any weight? No.  Does that make me want to go drink an entire 2 Liter myself? YEP.
3. Puppies!  And my "puppies" I mean every single dog, no matter it's age or size.  They are all sweet little baby puppies to me.  I'm way obsessed and would very well be the dog lady if Brian would let me...
4. iPhone.  I mean, who the heck isn't obsessed with their phones? It's the best stalking tool out there today.  :)
5. Notebooks.  I can spend hours in a office supply store.  And I snag pens ANYWHERE I go, even church. 
6. Fried pickles.  Do I have to tell you any other reason why?
7.  Pretty Little Liars.  I'm old enough to be their Mom, but that's okay.  I still indulge myself in their little high school problems.
 8.  Apps.  Yes, I said apps. I will download and try apps ALL the time.  I'm obsessed with finding the newest ones.
9.  Cookbooks.  I can dig through a cookbook and cherish it forever.  But I may never cook from it.  I just like having them.
10. Lists. Which is why this one is at 10.  I also am guilty of being OCD and liking even numbers.
Did you link up today? I would love to see your #TotalGuiltySocial posts! 

MY GIRL (kind of)

Comments (5)

For anyone who has followed this blog for awhile, then you are familiar with Jenna.  If you aren't, then she's my niece, but trust me, if you looked at her you would totally think she was mine.  #minime
And today is her 4th birthday.  I can't believe it's already been four years since this little angel made her way into my life.  
Today I want to celebrate this little lady with a look back over the last four years.  But first, let me show you why she could be mine... it all started at birth. 

Jenna, you are my sweet little niece who I waited years to hug, dress up, put make up and bows on, and make silly faces.  Thank you so much for being just that and so much more.  Sissy loves you, baby girl.  


White Vacation : 2014

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Every year we go on vacation with Brian's family to the beach.  

This year we spent a wonderful week at Perdido Beach, FL just catching some rays and eating yummy shrimp!  

I usually take a whole lot more pictures than I did this year, but I spent more time "enjoying" the week than trying to capture it all.  It was much needed.  

Isn't it time to go back? :)

// currently :

Comments (5)

Currently, I am... 

//reading... I'm still in the last book in the J.C. Andrews series for Flowers in the Attic.  I loved the first four, but this last book is just not interesting to me.  But I'm determined to finish it. 

//enjoying... A nice cup of coffee.  No better way to start the day!

//listening... K-Love.  There's nothing than to hear God's worth through some music.
Sidenote: During my Mom's wreck last week, she was listening to K-Love and I just know God knew her heart and kept her safe.

//feeling... happy!  Brian and I have been SO busy lately and I can finally see light at the end of our (very busy!) tunnel. 

I'm linking up with Jenna and Anne.  Grab the prompts and let us know what YOU are currently doing!

August Goals

Comments (6)

Mississippi Mrs

It's been awhile since I put up a goal post, but it's time to get back on the accountability track. Mississippi Mrs has became my second job, therefore I want to make the most of this month will blog-related tasks.

  • Edit old blog posts.  
  • Update pictures / links
  • Develop my media kit
  • Re-open sponsorships
  • Filter e-mail / contact information
And of course, it can't be a wasted month on boring things.  So let's have a little fun...

  • Drink more water
  • Start working out on a regular basis
  • Keep my devotional study up to date
  • Wake up earlier for devotional time
  • Schedule anniversary photo shoot
  • Re-vamp front porch

This month is also one that holds two special birthdays to me.  My mom, and Jenna.  So there will be lots of birthday happenings.  I can't wait. 

What does your month look like? Any special goals?

Sunday Spin Vol. III

Comments (3)

Hey ladies!  It's me here today for Sunday Spin.  I hope you are all having a great weekend.  I also hope to see some of you joining in for Sunday Spin with me today.  I am hoping to get this link-up up and going a little more each Sunday.  

First up, a few things that have been happening in my life...

New Michael Kors bag  //  Shirt I found online that I NEED (Sorry, no link)  // YUMMMMM.

I recently got a new MK bag while we were on vacation and I am IN LOVE.  This one is bigger than my other one and will be used as my "nice" bag for Sundays and dates, etc.  

And that cinnamon roll, I die.  SO GOOD.  A very sweet customer of mine brought this yummy goodie by the bank to me.  It's days like that when I know I am in the right field, other days I NEED a reminder.  

Now, onto something more major that happened Friday morning.  My mother was heading out to take a shopping trip with her sister.  Well, less than 10 minutes from home she had a wreck and totaled her car on spot after rolling it three times.

She was being quite the trooper even though her arm was cut up badly, as you can see.  She had a smile on her face and that was the most important thing.  She walked away and was blessed by God.

These pictures are bad, but yet in person this car is unbelievable that she walked away with minor injuries.  I thank God every single day for the blessings He lays upon me, but yesterday I was extrememly thankful for His hand holding my mom through this wreck.  

We serve an Almighty God.

Happy Sunday, friends!